Tuesday, March 23, 2010

AJ's big debut tonight?

We've heard that the President will be making an appearance live on stage at The Public Theater. Representatives for the theater have released this controversial photo. By the looks of it, seems we can expect quite a rousing speech of some sort from AJ - unless he has something a little more provocative up his sleeve?

Photo credit: Joan Marcus

Friday, March 19, 2010

Rumored appearance: literary AJ?

Hold on to your laptops! Word has just come in that the Prez may be planning a public event (his first in over 165 years). We were first led to believe it may be a formal press conference, and were drooling at the thought of getting all our questions answered; but now we hear that reps are hoping for a more casual and inclusive event. A local book store reports that a large quantity of AJ's most popular biography has been ordered - and we're wondering, could it be a book reading or signing? We'd love our chance to get up close and personal with Mr. Jackson, and are sure fans would be swarming at the chance to have him sign some X's and O's in their beloved biography copies. We'll be keeping our day planners wide open, and our ears peeled for the first word as to when and where this rumored event may be.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Under the knife?

This photo of America’s 7th President was just released. Now that he's been caught on camera, reps for President Jackson deny that he's had work done... but we're not buying it. What do you think? Has AJ become just another nipped and tucked celeb?

Over 150 years later: how's he looking so good?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spotted: AJ in NYC?

On the eve of his birthday yesterday - President Andrew Jackson was spotted in New York's East Village. The question on our mind - what's he doing here? And where can we see him again? Rumors are circulating about the President's involvement with one of NY's more prominent arts institutions, and some sources believe he's been hitting up some of the city's night clubs and bingo halls. We'll keep a sharp eye out, and let you know what we dig up about our Populist Prez, Mr. Jackson.